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( You can use this font for free for Non-Commercial (Personal) use, but if you want to use it for Commercial use you will need to purchase a license here : https://rcgraphics.fr/shop/ The personnal and/or non-commercial uses of this font are FREE. However FREE )
- ( You can use this font for free for Non-Commercial (Personal) use, but if you want to use it for Commercial use you will need to purchase a license here : https://rcgraphics.fr/shop/ The personnal and/or non-commercial uses of this font are FREE. However FREE )
- ALISEO-NonCommercial.otf
- لخطوط تنزيل: ALISEO
بواسطة RCgraphics - وزن: Regular
- الإصدار: Version 1.002;Fontself Maker 2.3.5
- عدد الأحرف :: 164
- نظام ترميز:
- هو ثابت في الملعب: لا
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